Estheticians & TikTok Are They A Good Mix?

esthetician standing over client

In the world of spa marketing and esthetician marketing, the landscape is constantly evolving, and staying ahead of the curve is essential. One platform that has been making waves in recent times is TikTok. As an esthetician, you might be wondering if TikTok is worth your time and effort. Let's dive deep into this question and explore the potential benefits and challenges of being on TikTok.

The TikTok Phenomenon

TikTok has undoubtedly taken the digital world by storm. However, it's crucial to understand its audience to determine if it aligns with your spa marketing strategy. TikTok primarily caters to Gen Z, making it an ideal platform if your target audience falls within this age group. However, the user demographics are shifting, with Zillennials and Millennials also joining the TikTok bandwagon. So, should estheticians consider TikTok as a part of their esthetician marketing arsenal? The answer depends on your target audience and the time you can invest in marketing.

Time and Consistency

One of the fundamental questions to ask yourself is, "Do I have the time to be on TikTok?" TikTok's algorithm favors quantity over quality. To gain visibility and engagement, you need to be posting frequently, ideally between 5 to 20 videos per day. Some creators even go as far as posting over 50 videos daily. This demands a substantial time commitment.

Additionally, like other social media platforms, engaging with your audience is crucial. Responding to comments with video replies and actively participating in discussions can be time-consuming. If you can't commit to consistent and sustained effort, TikTok might not be the right fit for you.

Resilience in the Face of Virality

TikTok success stories often involve viral videos that catapult creators to fame. However, it's essential to have thick skin when you embark on your TikTok journey. Comparing your progress to others can lead to frustration and envy. The platform's volatility means that growth can be unpredictable. Staying focused on your own content and goals is key.

Moreover, TikTok can be a breeding ground for opinions, both positive and negative. Users are more vocal and can sometimes be harsh. Responding professionally to criticism without letting your emotions take over is vital. Engaging in a heated online exchange can attract unwanted attention and negatively impact your brand.

The Face Behind the Content

TikTok thrives on personality and educational content that often requires showing your face and voicing your opinions. If you're uncomfortable with putting yourself front and center, TikTok may not align with your brand's identity. Being the face of your spa or esthetician business can be a powerful marketing tool, but it's not for everyone.

Trends and Creativity

Trends rule TikTok, and incorporating them into your content can help attract more viewers. Staying creative and keeping up with the latest trends is essential to keep your audience engaged. If you're up for the challenge of crafting innovative content regularly, TikTok can be a valuable addition to your esthetician marketing strategy. But to know the trends you need to spend time on the app or join my Esti Video Club.

Whether or not an esthetician should be on TikTok depends on several factors. If your target audience aligns with TikTok's demographics, and you have the time, creativity, and resilience to navigate the platform's challenges, it can be a beneficial addition to your spa marketing and esthetician marketing efforts. However, if you're unsure about your commitment or uncomfortable with the platform's demands, it might be wiser to focus your energies elsewhere, such as Instagram. Ultimately, the choice is yours, but it's essential to make an informed decision that aligns with your marketing goals and capabilities.

Consider the questions I asked above. If it works for you then go for it! TikTok can be an amazing place to grow a VERY loyal following.

If you struggling with video content check out my Esti Video Club which provides estheticians with Reels, TikTok video ideas and sounds weekly (and so much more)!


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