9 Additional Income Streams for Estheticians 

woman wearing Hijab working at a laptop

We are so lucky to live in a time where the opportunities to expand your income streams are endless. Here are 9 additional income streams for Estheticians that expand beyond just services. 

  1. Online store. In 2023 I hope every esti has some sort of online store to direct their followers too. If you don't make this your top priority for the year.

  2. Group coaching or mentorship. Are your clients always boasting about your treatments? Coach other esti's to achieve what you have. Host a multi-week group coaching program for esti's outside of our service area if you are worried about direct competition.

  3. Virtual Consults. With so many esti's growing beyond their service areas on platforms like Youtube and Tiktok monetize that audience with virtual services. Suddenly your ideal client pool just got a lot bigger!

  4. Brand Partnerships. With a strong social presence relying so much on personality content, I'm seeing a lot of esti's branch out to become more skincare experts/influencers. This is an amazing way to expand your income with partnerships and brand deals.

  5. In-treatment room advertising. Complementary businesses whose ideal client matches your own would certainly benefit from having a poster or two up in your treatment room. Your wallet will benefit too!

  6. Email advertising space. It truly pays to have a strong email list. With a strong email community, you can approach other complementary businesses to see if they would be interested in purchasing ad space in your emailer.

  7. Digital Educational products. Whether it's an online course for other esti's to fine-tune their skills, an online course/ program for your clients, or even a pdf guide/ book! The opportunities are endless!

  8. Ad revenue from content platforms. Once you hit 1k subscribers and 4,000 hours of watch time in one year you can apply for Youtube's ad revenue program. There is also a Tiktok and Reels program if you live in the USA and meet their requirements.

  9. Guest Writing. Is there a local lifestyle magazine you enjoy reading? Pitch yourself as their go-to skincare expert.Not only will this boost your authority as a skilled skincare expert but you'll also get more eyes on your feed from the article!

I hope this helped open your mind to a few more money making streams. As always in order to sell more or become an attractive prospect for brand partnerships you need a dialed in audience.

This is where I can help you! Click here to learn how to work with me and let’s get you making more money! 


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