Consumer Trends That Will Drive Sales In 2023

woman having a facial treatment

Today I want to talk about consumer trends that will drive sales this year. I have always found this topic very interesting.

In case you haven't seen my "about me" post on Instagram, I have a degree in Communications. My University allowed me to pick a specialization, I chose Images, Politics, and Persuasion. I loved my program, it was SO interesting. We often focused on the driving forces behind our means of communication. So I truly enjoy researching consumer trends. This is also why I always say marketing is more about psychology than anything. It's all about getting into the head of your buyer and better understanding what makes them tick. 

Let's jump in! Here are 4 consumer trends that will influence purchases in 2023. 

Personalization is key. Everyone's skin needs are different. Increase sales by offering personalization to your core services. These may include add-ons using light therapy, touch, and of course specific add-ons that target key skin concerns.

Is brand loyalty diminishing? More than 70% of consumers bought from the competitor of their go-to brand between May 2021 and May 2022. This means that consumers may feel more apt to try out your competitor's services. What does this mean for you? Focus on nurturing your current customers. This hot audience will be easiest to keep focused on your business and its offerings. When it comes to growing a community online, focus on growing your authority in your niche or community. Educational videos, guest articles, speaking engagements, host Lives on Instagram. You want to position yourself as a key figure in your niche or community.

Hybrid shopping experiences are a requirement in 2023. Don't put all your effort into your social selling on Instagram. You want to keep up the quality shopping experience you provide on social media in the treatment room/spa as well. From proper lighting that focuses on your retail, clean retail spaces, and educational signage. ** Make sure you are sharing your retail space on your socials as well as your regular treatment content.

Show off your personality. I feel like we've heard this one a million times but it's true. Personality plays a massive role in enticing followers to actually buy. Now you don't have to do anything crazy like TikTok dances or showing up with a smile everyday. If I could provide you with two things to provide more that will showcase your personality I'd say honesty and education.

Being honest is being human. If there is a trend online that you don't like voice your opinion about it. Honesty provides depth it provides more opportunity for connection. Finally education. When you are educating your community whether through social or in the treatment room your personality will naturally come out because you are passionate about what you do.

If you struggle with crafting educational content for your spa marketing I provide you with weekly topics in the Esti Video Club.

Want to work together to grow your community into an engaged following ready to buy? Click here to learn how to work with me!


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