Esthetician Marketing Q&A with Meghan

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I am often asked similar questions everyday. Whether from an esthetician in one of my programs or a follower from my Instagram community. I thought I’d jot down my most common questions (as of right now) and provide some quick answers.

Question: My Reels are getting views but no follows. 

Answer: When someone asks me this question I immediately ask if they are sharing educational videos that shows their face. These are a must-have in building trust and providing value. The Esti Video Club provides weekly ideas for these types of videos.

Question: What should my profile picture be?

Answer: If you don't have a professional picture to use then upload a picture of yourself, not a selfie. Make sure it is well-lit, and have the camera far enough away that we can see your shoulders. Yes, you can use your logo unless it has text. Text is very very hard to read in an Instagram profile picture.

Question: I don't know what to write about for my blogs.

Answer: Each Instagram post can be made into a blog. Add more context and then link a relevant offering at the end. Say you shared an Instagram post about your fav skin-plumping ingredients. Put that same post into a blog format on your website and then add a few more paragraphs of text. Then at the end add a sentence such as "Feel like your skin is lacking that plump and hydrated texture? The Ever Hydrating Facial {insert your facial name} provides your skin with one whole hour of hydrating TLC to give your skin an instant boost in hydration. Your skin will be plump for days after! Click here to book" Then embed the link to book this service or learn more.

Question: I keep comparing myself to the other estheticians in my town.

Answer: Limit scroll time or block them. If you view your Instagram as a place to create and connect and not consume you won't be prone to doom scrolling. If you can't do that then block them. If they ever reach out be honest and say you have a tendency to compare so you block to protect your mental health. 

Question: What must I have in my bio?


- Your name (if you are a solo Esti)

- Your location

- The transformation you provide. For example, "Helping those with mature skin reduce and slow the signs of aging".

- A link to your website or to book with you.

- A link to sign up for your freebie. Use a link in bio type program or create a mobile-friendly page on your website so you can have multiple buttons. I wanted to have my own url so I created a page on my website that is I made it very mobile-friendly and then added buttons for my links. This page is linked in my Instagram profile. This allows me to see analytics without adding another software like link tree onto my plate. 

Question: How do I make a viral Reel?

Answer: Viral Reels aren't good. They often attract a lot of people who aren't your ideal client. Don't aim to go viral. Going viral is never the goal.

Question: How often do I send an emailer?

Answer: Find a schedule that you can consistently stick with. I recommend at minimum once every 2 weeks. 

Question: I know I have to post Reels but I don't know what to share.

Answer: See Reels Masterclass pre-sale below.

Question: How often should I post on stories? 

Answer: Aim for once a day. Stories are a really great way to grow an engaged audience. Also, did you know when you create a story right before hitting the arrow button in the bottom right corner to post you can click instead the back arrow in the top left corner and save that story to draft? Story drafts expire in 7 days but are great for those who find it hard to stay consistent.

Question: What scheduling platform do you recommend?

Answer: I use Meta Business Suite and love it! It's built into FB, is free and allows you to schedule to Instagram and Facebook at the same time.

Want to work together to grow your community into an engaged following ready to buy? Click here to learn how to work with me! 


Unlocking the Power of Spa Marketing: The Esthetician Email Signature 


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