Spa & Skincare Trend - Epsom Salt For Acne

wooden dish with epsom salts

Trending Search Term -> Searches for “Epsom salt for acne” are up +350% this week!

Estheticians can tap into the interest to enhance their marketing strategies and client engagement.

Here are some video ideas:

  • Using epsom salts to treat acne has been trending, talk about your thoughts on this trend, would you recommend or not, and why, and any suggested alternatives instead

  • There are often many skincare hacks that become trendy on social media, share your opinions on these hacks ex. epsom salt for acne, etc as a licensed esthetician, and what do you recommend people do before they try them out

Here are some cover image text ideas:

  • Epsom Salt for Acne Hack?

  • Recommended/Not Recommended: Epsom Salt for Acne

  • My Take on Skincare Hacks

Do you want a set of 6 trends just like this every week? Complete with video ideas and text cover ideas just like this one! Then click here to join the Esti Video Club. I have specifically designed this program for estheticians and spa owners looking to tap into the power of Reels and TikTok to grow their authority online. More authority=more spa bookings! Your spa marketing doesn’t have to be stressful!


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