Spa and Skincare Trend - Facial Lymphatic Massage

esthetician doing a facial analysis

Facial lymphatic massage is often trending on web and you tube search stats. Use this trending topic in your marketing to grab the attention of those wanting to know more!

The benefits of facial lymphatic massage are well known to revitalize dull skin, reduce signs of fatigue, prevention of skin aging, reduce skin redness and reactivity and purify the skin of toxins reducing acne breakouts.

So how can an Esthetician work this topic into their Educational Reels? Here are 3 video ideas:

    1. Make a video on the benefits of this well known massage. Add information about those who should not have this treatment and why.

    2. Do you have a client who has this treatment? Make a Reel showing how you do a lymphatic massage. Don’t forget to add in client testimonials of how they have benefited.

    3. Consider discussing the tools needed to do this treatment at home. Do you sell these tools in your spa? Now is the time to promote these products!

Are you an esthetician struggling with thinking up video post ideas?

Do you want a set of 6 trends just like this every week? Complete with video ideas and text cover ideas just like this one! Then click here to join the Esti Video Club. I have specifically designed this program for estheticians and spa owners looking to tap into the power of Reels and TikTok to grow their authority online. More authority=more spa bookings! Your spa marketing doesn’t have to be stressful!


Elevate Your Spa Marketing: Effective Esthetician Marketing Ideas to Boost Pre-Bookings


The Importance of Following Trends