Why Going Viral Shouldn’t Matter

woman with phone camera and light ring

One of my Reels went a little viral recently. For me, viral is anything over 30-50k views. This Reel currently has over 100k views and guess what? Only 1/5 of my audience actually saw it. My community on Instagram is 10.3k and only 2.2k of my followers saw it. I also didn't get a lot of quality followers from this Reel.

It must have ended up on a different side of Instagram as I was having so many non-esthetician accounts follow me. It took a while to remove them all from my followers list. If you've followed me from the start you know that I have focused on growing a quality community slowly. I practice what I preach and I attribute this method to passing 10k recently. But that is beside the point!

What I wanted to focus on is the fact that one 1/5 of my audience actually saw the Reel. Even though it got way more views than my usual content. 

So what does this tell us? 

We 100% should not feel guilty about resharing content. We can't control the algorithm, we can't control who our followers follow and we can't control the time they go on the app. So you have to accept that not all of your followers will see your content.

This means that when you share your educational graphic it is 100% ok to then...

-Create a Reel talking about the points covered in the educational graphic and post that in the same week.

-A few weeks later post that same educational graphic after making a few edits. 

-Create a blog article about the points covered in that educational graphic.

-Share that educational graphic in your next newsletter.

We are in the game of working smarter and not harder. Don't burn yourself out. 

Looking for educational graphics (which you can then share as a Reel)? 

The Esti Content Club is for you. Save time, money, and get consistent with your posting! Click here to join! If you offer waxing services then click here for the Waxers Content Club.


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