Esthetician Marketing: The Art of Crafting Engaging Storytelling Content


Sit back, hydrate, and maybe snack a little, because we're about to delve into a trove of esthetician marketing ideas and esthetician content ideas that could transform your spa’s social media strategy. Let's dive into the power of storytelling content and how it can redefine your brand's presence.

Undoubtedly, storytelling content is a powerful, yet often overlooked, tool in the world of esthetician marketing. But what exactly is storytelling content? Simply put, it's content that narrates a journey from point A to point B, with the points being flexible as per your narrative. Unveil the magic behind your esthetician sanctuary with engaging vlog-style content.

Consider these examples:

Stocking Up Your Treatment Room's Beverage Fridge

Take your audience on a virtual tour as you stock up your treatment room's beverage fridge. Narrate the thought and care put into creating a serene space that leaves your clients feeling pampered and at ease.

Sanitizing and Cleaning My Treatment Room

Sanitizing and cleaning my treatment room. Showcase your commitment to hygiene with a storytelling vlog that highlights your meticulous sanitization and cleaning routine. This not only reassures your clients but also establishes your professionalism and dedication to delivering the best experience

From Self-Care to Self-Confidence: My Empowering Journey

Empower your audience with a personal self-care journey that fuels your confidence and enhances your ability to serve them better. Share your skincare rituals and self-care practices while encouraging your clients to embrace their own self-care routines.

Embracing Skin-Friendly Foods: A Culinary Adventure

Tap into your audience's appetite for knowledge with a culinary adventure. Share the dietary changes you made to promote skin health and radiance. Consider creating a captivating "Cook a skin-friendly dinner with me" series, where you demonstrate delicious recipes that nourish the skin from within.

Client Transformation Narratives: The Beauty of Before and After

Inspire potential clients with transformational stories. Utilize before-and-after pictures as a green screen and share the awe-inspiring details of your clients' skincare journeys with you. These success stories will boost your credibility and encourage new clients to experience your services.

Your Personal Journey

Share your journey to becoming an esthetician. Display photos of you in school, at your first job, etc. This authenticity will resonate with potential clients and establish trust in your expertise.

Embarking on New Education Adventures

Consider sharing your continuous learning experience, like "Join me for a Saturday afternoon completing {insert continuing education course name} course." Demonstrating your commitment to staying updated in your field will inspire confidence in your clientele.

Throwback Experiences: Learning from Past Lessons

Reminisce about experiences that have shaped your skincare philosophy. Share personal anecdotes, such as overcoming a severe sunburn due to sun exposure, and impart valuable lessons about sun protection and skincare.

Crafting a Self-Care Routine: Making it Enjoyable, Not a Chore

Break the misconception that self-care is a chore by sharing a delightful self-care routine that you follow religiously. Encourage your audience to prioritize self-care and embrace the joy it brings to their lives.

Embracing Vulnerability: My Skincare or Acne Journey

Embrace vulnerability by sharing your own skincare struggles, such as a personal acne journey. Show your human side and let your audience know that you understand their concerns and can guide them on their own skincare paths.

Lights, Camera, Action!

When it comes to filming, aim for 5-second clips throughout your day, without worrying about audio or narration. After uploading the clips to Reels, lower the original audio and use the voiceover tool for narration. For sharing past experiences, use your photos or videos as a green screen background. This keeps you in focus while sharing your story.

As an esthetician marketing expert, I understand that this content type can be more time-consuming to create, especially for beginners. To streamline this, consider batch-creating other content or joining the Esti Content Club or Waxers Content Club. Scheduling your educational graphics and Reels in advance will allow more time for crafting storytelling content or educational Reels.

If you find this overwhelming, my Reels masterclass is here to help. It has received rave reviews from estheticians who appreciate its clarity in content creation.

Lastly, the Waxers Content Club is undergoing a makeover! Starting May 24 2023, it will include monthly reels, trending audios, a content calendar, and a trending topic report. Share the news, as it seems many are unaware of the Waxers Content Club due to the focus on the Esti Content Club.


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