Revitalizing Your Spa Marketing: Inclusive Strategies for Esthetician Success

pink yellow purple green spa wax

When considering content for your spa marketing, your message should radiate an irresistible allure, portraying an offering that customers not only desire but consider indispensable. Yet, frequently our marketing efforts are tailored solely to those we immediately relate to, inadvertently excluding a myriad of potential clients. Your brand's resonance should transcend all boundaries—embracing diverse backgrounds, races, gender identities, and abilities.

Drawing from a comprehensive global marketing study, enlightening insights have emerged:

  • A staggering 72% of individuals believe that the majority of advertising fails to mirror the reality around them.

  • A significant 63% find themselves glaringly absent from the representation presented in most advertisements.

  • A substantial 60% feel that the depiction of their social circle—comprising friends, family, and acquaintances—is grossly inaccurate in the advertising landscape.

Ponder on this: Every individual is a masterpiece, and there exists no universal "norm." Diversity encompasses a spectrum spanning race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, language, nationality, education, income, beliefs, faiths, physical attributes, and mental capacities.

With your spa's success in mind, it's pivotal to proactively and purposefully design your marketing strategy to resonate with those who have been underrepresented. A prime example is my experience while conducting research for the Esti Content Club. My newsfeed was awash with a surplus of homogeneity. To counter this, I conscientiously incorporate visuals, skin depictions, and illustrations that celebrate the rich tapestry of skin tones, body contours, and hair textures.

Championing and commemorating the diversity of your clientele should be paramount:

  • Sidestep worn-out stereotypes that hinder authentic connection.

  • Refrain from sharing content that alludes to unfavorable client experiences.

  • If your spa boasts a team, infuse it with diversity and inclusivity to reflect the multifaceted world we inhabit.

By taking these steps, you're not only broadening your appeal to a more expansive audience but also aligning with the contemporary consumer who craves a richer representation of humanity in marketing endeavors.

By doing so you are appealing to a wider audience and to the modern buyer who wants to see more diversity in marketing. What does this mean for your business? More clients!!

Looking for inclusive graphics for your feed? Click here to join the Esti Content Club.


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