Spa & Skincare Trend - Exfoliation

Woman applying exfoliant with a brush top her face

Trending Search Term -> Searches for “Exfoliation” are up +750% this week! Tap into the interest to enhance your marketing strategies and client engagement.

Here are some video ideas:

  • Create an educational video that explains the fundamentals of exfoliation, its benefits, and the different types of exfoliation methods (physical vs. chemical). This video can help demystify the process for your audience and highlight why regular exfoliation is essential for healthy skin.

  • Demonstrate how to make a simple and effective DIY exfoliating scrub using common household ingredients. This type of video is great for engaging viewers who enjoy at-home skincare remedies and want to try something new.

  • Showcase a real client transformation with a professional exfoliation treatment. This video can highlight the immediate and visible benefits of professional exfoliation services and build trust with potential clients.

Here are some cover image text ideas:

  • Exfoliation Essentials: Your Guide to Glowing Skin

  • Glow at Home: Make Your Own Exfoliating Scrub

  • Transform Your Skin: Professional Exfoliation Success Story

Do you want a set of 6 trends just like this every week? Complete with video ideas and text cover ideas just like this one! Then click here to join the Esti Video Club. I have specifically designed this program for estheticians and spa owners looking to tap into the power of Reels and TikTok to grow their authority online. More authority=more spa bookings! Your spa marketing doesn’t have to be stressful!


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