Esthetician Sales Come With Simplicity

white jade skin roller , crystal, and jar

I saw a TikTok the other night that talked about trends and the pressure to jump onto every fashion trend. Idk about you but I've gotten pretty good at separating myself from fashion trends. Working in marketing I see the backend behind it all and as such have built up a pretty great capsule wardrobe.

The idea of trends flows through so many aspects of our business. From the clothes we wear in the treatment room, to the graphics we share with our feed and even the treatments we offer. 

I know that pressure. That pressure to do what is popular. But what if I told you that this desire to constantly follow trends is seriously messing with your sales?

Just like when you wear an outfit that's trending but you know it doesn't look that good on you or compliment your body type. But you force it and feel so uncomfortable you just can't wait to get home and take it off. That trend just isn't true to you and that's ok.

It's important that when diving into any trend ask yourself 2 questions:
Does this trend connect to my community? 
Does this trend run true to who I am as a person?

Just like with feeling comfortable in your clothes you have to run a business that feels true to who you are as a person.

When you jump onto a trend that doesn't match your vision just because everyone else is posting about it you might cause confusion with your audience. 

Confusion = hesitation.

Hesitation = less sales. 

Why? In order to make a sale or booking you need trust and any form of confusion will interfere with that trust. This runs true with the experience you provide in the treatment room as well. We also discuss this in more detail in the Spa Owners Sales Academy because to get sales you really have to create a sales strategy that's true to you and your biz. 

I'm an introvert so there is a good chance you won't see me dancing on Reels anytime soon. My followers know that and I think if I started dancing they would be like ummm is she ok? It would create a sort of confusion. 

Here are 3 key ways you can harness the power of simplicity to get more sales:
Listen to your clients online and in the treatment room. What are they struggling with? How can you shift your services and social content to answer their questions? Don't focus on big trends unless you think they will apply to YOUR community. 

Stop overthinking your video content. That wall in your treatment room that you painted to match your branding colors is more than enough. Your followers will find solace in your content. The world of social media is busy enough. Your community isn't looking for fancy bells and whistles they are looking for consistency and simplicity. 

Focus on fewer social channels and instead work on the quality of the few you enjoy running. Aside from Yelp or Google My Business you really only need 1-2 other social channels.

**With these channels you can share to your stories daily and add engagement polls, question prompts, and stickers to train your audience to engage. A follower is more apt to take a bigger action (say booking a facial) if they feel comfortable replying to a small action (think answering a question poll on your stories). 

Of course, if you need help creating your unique sales strategy for both social media and in the treatment room head on over here to learn more about the Spa Owners Sales Academy but I know the points above will spark simplicity.

More resources:
- Skincare headbands have increased in searches by 120% Here are 3 post ideas you can create to cover this topic. Click here to read more.
- 5 chemical peel post ideas. Click here for post ideas.
- LOVING this audio for a treatment reel! Click here to use audio.

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